Saturday 1 May 2010

Up to now

At this moment in time I have been finishing off other concepts which I have been playing around with which I believe as benifiting my over all portfolio. It has taken alot of my time but I have really enjoyed being able to see my skills evolve over the course of the past few weeks and it had driven me to do more and more.

My original idea of having my portfolio play out as the introduction would has become alot more difficult then I thought. Given the time we have had and seeing it past by alot faster then I would of thought, it is unlikely I will be able to achieve this. Flash is becoming alot more complex and difficult. This is one program I plan to learn alot more of over the summer term so I can use it alot more surfisantly for the 3rd year. So now, I will be uploading my portfolio on to an online portfolio site.

One issue here that is holding me back if the lack of online portfolio sites which are free and simple to use. If I had this idea from the start I would of been able to have the money and subscribe to a certain site and learn the basics, but even HTML coding is confusing to me and I know 'coding' is the next step for me to learn for other programs aswell. So now, I have been using a site known as Carbonmade which allows for a very simple, easy to use interface for uploading a portfolio of work. Only, I find the simplistic design very inkeeping with my game concept.

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